The Russian catechism, compos’d and publish’d by order of the Czar. 2d ed. London: W. Meadows, 1725. B5085
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Kyrie Eleison...Lord Have Mercy... The following list of complaints and the engraving on the right provide the reader with the English view of Russian Orthodoxy: Of the Muscovites and the Russians The Muscovites, and Russians as they were converted to Christianity by the Grecians ... so have they ever since continued of the Greeke communion and religion.
1. Denying the Holy Ghost to proceede from the sonne.
2. Rejecting purgatory, but yet praying for the dead.
3. Beleeving that holy men enjoy not the presence of God afore the Resurrection.
4. Celebrating the sacrament of the Eucharist, with leavened bread, and requiring warme water to mingle with the wine.
5.And communicating in both kindes.
6.But mingling both together in the chalice, and distributing it together with a spoone.
7. And receiving children after 7. yeeres old to the communion, saying that at that age they begin to sinne against God.
8. Omitting confirmation by the Bishop.
9. Denying the spirituall efficacy of extreame unction.
10. Excluding the fourth marriage as utterly unlawfull: whereas they approve not the second, as perfectly unlawfull, but onely permit it, but tolerate not the third, except on very important considerations.
11. Dissolving marriage by divorcement upon every light occasion or displeasure.
12. Admitting neither deacons nor priests to orders, except they be married: but yet prohibiting marriage to them being actually in orders.
13. Rejecting carved or masse images, but admitting the painted.
14. Reputing it unlawfull to fast on Saturdays.
15. Or, to eate of that which is strangled, or of bloude.
16. Observing 4 lents in the yeere.
17. Refusing to communicate with the Roman Church.
“The Russian catechism, compos’d and publish’d by order of the Czar. 2d ed. London: W. Meadows, 1725. B5085,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,