Auguste Racinet (1825-1893). Le costume historique. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888. 6 vols. J20, v.6 fasc.2, pls. 438-439
Dublin Core
Auguste Racinet (1825-1893). Le costume historique. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888. 6 vols. J20, v.6 fasc.2, pls. 438-439
The Emperor's Wearing Clothes! An Internet search under August Racinet will bring up beautiful reprints of Le costume historique, a prime resource for theatrical designers. This set is of the "Grand édition," published in 1888, the plates in this exhibition all from the section "Russia: 16th to 19th centuries." Nos. 1 and 6 (in the bottom plate) are after engravings in Olearius' Voyages en Moscovie, 1647; nos.2 and 5 show the Cossack Brechka in a caftan of honor received from Peter The Great; no.3 is the chief Cossack in Peter's time; nos.23 and 26 (in the upper plate) are Peter himself in habit de marin and a Polish costume.
J20, vol. 6, fasc. 2, pls. 438-439
“Auguste Racinet (1825-1893). Le costume historique. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888. 6 vols. J20, v.6 fasc.2, pls. 438-439,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,