Istoria usovershenstvovanii︠a︡ ul’i︠a︡. / Sostavlena chlenom Imperatorskago Volʹnago Ėkonomicheskago Obshchestva A. Pokorskim-Zhoravko. Историа усовершенствования ул’я. / Составлена членом Императорскаго Вольнаго Экономическаго Общества А. Покорским-Жоравко.


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Istoria usovershenstvovanii︠a︡ ul’i︠a︡. / Sostavlena chlenom Imperatorskago Volʹnago Ėkonomicheskago Obshchestva A. Pokorskim-Zhoravko. Историа усовершенствования ул’я. / Составлена членом Императорскаго Вольнаго Экономическаго Общества А. Покорским-Жоравко.


Dr. Atkins' Nemesis... Forget the killer bees; what about killer honey and beebread? Diabetics both western and eastern have A.I. Prokopovich to blame for making honey more harvestable by his invention in 1814 of beehives with removable frames. In earlier times artificial hives imitating the real thing were hollow logs, or imitation hollow logs, straw hives of all shapes covered in clay, and the classic box-with-a hole, all placed strategically to get the attention of bees harvesting pollen from nearby bee-plants. This Petersburg imprint is apparently a very rare little pamphlet. In addition to this illustration of different kinds of hives, there's a plate with enlarged images of Prokopovich boxes, with cross-sections, and a lovely chromolithograph of Echium vulgare (viper's bugloss), a valuable source of beebread. There are five species of the genus Echium in the Russian Republic and beebread comes from the pollen that bees gather from it, pack into honeycomb cells and cover with honey. In these aerobic conditions is formed the absolutely necessary protein-carbohydrate food for bees, without which the development of bee colonies is retarded and honey yield greatly decreased.





“Istoria usovershenstvovanii︠a︡ ul’i︠a︡. / Sostavlena chlenom Imperatorskago Volʹnago Ėkonomicheskago Obshchestva A. Pokorskim-Zhoravko. Историа усовершенствования ул’я. / Составлена членом Императорскаго Вольнаго Экономическаго Общества А. Покорским-Жоравко.,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025,