Ulrich Richental, Concilium zu Constencz, Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 2 September 1483. Goff R-196.


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Ulrich Richental, Concilium zu Constencz, Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 2 September 1483. Goff R-196.


This is one of the books advertised for sale in the Anderson broadside (column 1, fifth item from the bottom). Sorg described it as "ein hübsch büch von de[m] concilio das zü constencz gewesen ist darinn man den hussen verbrennt hat ..." (a handsome book about the council held at Constance at which they burnt John Huss). These illustrations show John Huss, the Bohemian religious reformer, being burnt at the stake for heresy and his ashes cast into the river Rhine. The execution took place on 6 July 1413 during the Council.


Summerfield E255


“Ulrich Richental, Concilium zu Constencz, Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 2 September 1483. Goff R-196.,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed September 27, 2024, https://exhibits.lib.ku.edu/items/show/7584.