Aristotle, Summa philozophie moralis, Leipzig: Martin Landsberg, ca 1492.
Dublin Core
Aristotle, Summa philozophie moralis, Leipzig: Martin Landsberg, ca 1492.
A school text, printed with its lines widely spaced for convenience in note taking. It has been heavily annotated, as intended. Bound with this are three manuscripts of works attributed to Aristotle, including the pseudo-Aristotelian work "De pomo", translated from Hebrew into Latin by King Manfred of Sicily. It is clear from the presence of these four works together in their 15th century binding that, in the eyes of the original owner, a book is a book whether printed or handwritten and is important for what it says rather than for the form in which it was made. Following the modern separate appreciation and valuation of manuscript and printed books we keep this book with the manuscripts.
Acquired from Bernard Rosenthal in 1969.
Acquired from Bernard Rosenthal in 1969.
MS E126
“Aristotle, Summa philozophie moralis, Leipzig: Martin Landsberg, ca 1492.,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,