The printer's copy for part of Spelman's Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones, London: P. Stevens and C. Meredith; R. Badger, 1639.


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The printer's copy for part of Spelman's Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones, London: P. Stevens and C. Meredith; R. Badger, 1639.


The Spelman-Macro miscellany (MS E107) is a composite manuscript made up of a number of individual items, most from the 17th century. The first section consists of a fair copy in Anglo-Saxon of the Decrees of the Council of Eynsham (1009), probably made around 1630 for Sir Henry Spelman (1564?-1641). It is marked by the printer. The second section contains copies of extracts from Latin language charters, chronicles, genealogies, and the like. The third part consists mainly of a heavily revised draft of Spelman's Concilia marked for the printer; and part four consists of a number of 17th-century poems—one of them on the comet of 1652—and prose. The Spelman items apparently came into the hands of Cox Macro (1683-1767) who bound up the papers with some of his own. The volume (bought by the Spencer Library from Theodore Hofmann in 1969) passed from Dr. Macro to John Patteson, thence by sale in 1820 to Hudson Gurney, and was in the library of J.H. Gurney in 1891. The manuscript, the printer's copy for the Concilia, is open to the beginning of a section concerning the duties and position of a priest; in the printed Concilia (No. 25; Clubb E 1639.1) it begins in the middle of p. 586.


MS E107


“The printer's copy for part of Spelman's Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones, London: P. Stevens and C. Meredith; R. Badger, 1639.,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,