Christopher Brown


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Christopher Brown


J. Christopher Brown
Associate Professor

Office: 223 Lindley Hall
Phone: 785-864-5543

Office Hours: W 8:30-10 am or by appt.

Ph.D., UCLA (1999)

Vita (pdf)
Profile on Google Scholar

Research Interests & Current Projects

Courses Taught/Teaching Awards

Publications During Last 5 Years

Other Significant Publications

Research Interests and Current Projects
Social relations in Amazonian rural development.
Expansion of soybean production in Amazonia.
Development and the Politics of Scale.

More information on Dr. Brown's research projects is available here.

Courses Taught and Teaching Awards
GEOG 571: Environmental Issues of Latin America
GEOG 597: Geography of Brazil
GEOG 379: Environment and Society
GEOG 771: Graduate seminar on environment and development
2006 - W. T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence
2003 - H.O.P.E. (Honor for an Outstanding Progressive Educator) award nominee
2003 - Center for Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow
2008 - John C. Wright Graduate Mentor Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Publications During the Last 5 Years

(Authors in italics are graduate students)

J. Christopher Brown, Jude H. Kastens, Alexandre Camargo Coutinho, Daniel de Castro Victoria, Christopher H. Bishop. 2013. Classifying Multiyear Agricultural Land Use Data from Mato Grosso Using Time-Series MODIS Vegetation Index Data. Remote Sensing of Environment 130: 39-50.

J. Christopher Brown, Lisa Rausch, and Veronica Grau Luz. (In Press). Toward a spatial understanding of staple food and non-staple food production in Brazil. The Professional Geographer.

J. Christopher Brown and Matthew Koeppe 2013. The soy moratorium and the construction of illegal soybeans in the Brazilian Amazon. In Environment and the Law in Amazonia: A Plurilateral Encounter. (Eds. James M. Cooper and Christine Hunefeldt). Sussex: Sussex Academic Press. Pp 110-126. KU ScholarWorks

Narayani Barve, Alvin J. Bonilla, Julia Brandes, J. Christopher Brown, Nathaniel Brunsell, Ferdouz V. Cochran, Rebecca J. Crosthwait, Jodi Gentry, Laci M. Gerhart, Trish Jackson, Anna J. Kern, Karen S. Oberhauser, Hannah L. Owens, A. Townsend Peterson, Alexis S. Reed, Jorge Soberón, Adam D. Sundberg and Linda M. Williams. 2012. Climate-change and mass mortality events in overwintering monarch butterflies. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 83: 817-824. DOI:10.7550/rmb.26460.

Christian Brannstrom, Lisa Rausch, J. Christopher Brown, Renata Marson Teixeira de Andrade, Andrew Miccolis. 2012. Compliance and market exclusion in Brazilian agriculture: Analysis and implications for “soft” governance. Land Use Policy 29(2):357-366.

J. Christopher Brown. 2011. Nongovernmental Organizations: Scale, Society, and Environment. In Placing Latin America: Contemporary Themes in Human Geography. 2nd Ed. (Eds. Ed Jackiewicz and Fernando Bosco). Lanham, MD., Rowman and Littlefield. Pp. 147-158.

David S. Brown, J. Christopher Brown, and Maureen Donaghy 2011. The Electoral Consequences of Direct Political Action: Evidence from Brazil. Latin American Politics and Society 53(4):35-66.

Ricardo Cordeiro, Maria R. Donalisio, Valmir R. Andrade, Ana C.N. Mafra, Luciana B. Nucci, John C. Brown and Celso Stephan. 2011. Spatial distribution of the risk of dengue fever in southeast Brazil, 2006-2007. BMC Public Health 11:355. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-355.

Alexandre Camargo Coutinho, Daniel de Castro Victoria, Adriano Rolim da Paz,
J. Christopher Brown, Jude Kastens. 2011. Dinâmica da agricultura no polo de produção de soja do Estado de Mato Grosso [Dynamics of agriculture in the soy production pole of the state of Mato Grosso.] (forthcoming). Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto [Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium of Remote Sensing], Curitiba, Brasil, 30 abril – 5 maio, 2011, INPE.

Alexandre C. Coutinho, John Christopher Brown, Daniel de C. Victoria, Adriano Rolim da Paz, Jude H. Kastens. 2010. Potencial e Limitações do Monitoramento da Atividade Agrícola com Imagens do Satélite Modis. [Potential and limitations of monitoring of agricultural activity with MODIS satellite imagery.] In Resumos expandidos do I Workshop de Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta em Rondônia, Vilhena, 24 a 28 abril, 2010 / editor, Vicente de Paulo Campos Godinho et al. Porto Velho: Embrapa Rondônia, 2010. Pp. 93-103.

Stacey Swearingen White, J. Christopher Brown, Jane W. Gibson, Eric Hanley, Dietrich H. Earnhart. 2009. Planting Food or Fuel: Developing an Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Role of Culture in Farmers' Decisions to Grow Second-Generation, Biofuel Feedstock Crops. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 7(3): 287-302.

J. Christopher Brown. 2008. NGOs and ongoing changes in Latin American society. In Placing Latin America: Contemporary Themes in Human Geography. (Eds. Ed Jackiewicz and Fernando Bosco). Lanham, MD., Rowman and Littlefield.

Wendy Jepson, J. Christopher Brown, and Matthew Koeppe. 2008. Agricultural intensification on Brazil’s soybean frontier in southern Rondônia. In Land Change Science in the Tropics (Eds. Andrew Millington and Wendy Jepson). Boston: Springer Publications. Pp. 73-92.

David Brown, J. Christopher Brown, and Scott Desposato. 2008. Who gives, who receives, and who wins? Transforming capital into political change through non-governmental organizations. Comparative Political Studies 41:24-47.

Other Significant Publications

J. Christopher Brown, Wendy Jepson, Jude Kastens, Brian Wardlow, John Lomas, and Kevin Price. 2007. Multi-temporal, moderate spatial resolution remote sensing of modern agricultural production and land modification in the Brazilian Amazon. GIScience and Remote Sensing 44(2): 117-148.

J. Christopher Brown, Jude Kastens, Brian Wardlow, Wendy Jepson, Alex Coutinho, Adriano Venturieri, John Lomas, Kevin Price. 2007. Using MODIS to detect cropping frequency variation in mechanized agriculture in Amazonia. Anais XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto [Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium of Remote Sensing], Florianópolis, Brasil, 21-26 abril 2007, INPE, p. 99-101.

J. Christopher Brown, Mark Purcell, and Nathaniel Brunsell. 2007. Scale, Problems of. In Encyclopedia of Environment and Society. (Ed. Paul Robbins). SAGE Publications. Pp. 1566-1569.

David Brown, J. Christopher Brown, and Scott Desposato. 2007. Promoting and preventing political change through internationally-funded NGO activity. Latin American Research Review, 42(1): 126-138.

J. Christopher Brown. 2006. Productive conservation and its representation: the case of beekeeping in the Brazilian Amazon. In Globalization and New Geographies of Conservation. (Ed. Karl Zimmerer). Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Pp. 92-115.

J. Christopher Brown. 2006. Placing local environmental protest within global environmental networks: colonist farmers and sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon. In Shades of Green. (Eds. Christof Mauch, Nathan Stoltzfus, Doug Weiner). Lanham MD., Rowman and Littlefield. Pp. 197-218.

J. Christopher Brown, Matthew Koeppe, Benjamin Coles, and Kevin Price. 2005. Soybean production and conversion of tropical forest in the Brazilian Amazon: the case of Vilhena, Rondonia. Ambio 34(6): 456-463.

J. Christopher Brown and Mark Purcell. 2005. There's nothing inherent about scale: political ecology, the local trap, and the politics of development in the Brazilian Amazon. Geoforum 36(5): 607-624.

Purcell, Mark and J. Christopher Brown. 2005. Against the local trap: scale and the study of environment and development. Progress in Development Studies, 5(4): 279-297.

J. Christopher Brown, David Brown, Scott Desposato. 2005. Paving the way to political change: decentralization of development in the Brazilian Amazon. Political Geography 24: 39-52.

J. Christopher Brown, Wendy Jepson, and Kevin Price. 2004. FORUM: Expansion of mechanized agriculture and land-cover change in southern Rondônia, Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography 3(1): 96-103.
David Brown, J. Christopher Brown, and Scott Desposato. 2002. Left turn on green?: unintended consequences of international funding for sustainable development in Brazil. Comparative Political Studies 35 (7): 814-838.

J. Christopher Brown. 2001. Responding to deforestation: productive conservation, the World Bank, and beekeeping in Rondonia, Brazil. The Professional Geographer 53(1): 106-119.

J. Christopher Brown. 2001. Beekeeping and sustainable development among colonist farmers in Rondonia, Brazil. Sustainable Development: Myth or Reality [In Spanish]. (Eds. M. Hiraoka and F. Kahn). Quito, Editorial Abya-Yala. Pp. 61-72.

J. Christopher Brown and Christian Albrecht. 2001. The effect of tropical deforestation on stingless bees of the genus Melipona (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) in central Rondonia, Brazil. Journal of Biogeography 28: 623-634.


“Christopher Brown,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed January 2, 2025,