A pamphlet of a political nature, 'Respect for Human Dignity', is Nnamdi Azikiwe's Inaugural Address as the first African Governor-General and Commander in Chief of the Federation of Nigeria. Addressing his fellow Nigerians on 16 November 1960,…
This is a how-to pamphlet where "you will learn the styles and ways to write "letters that are "very interesting and reasonable, and the English very educative," (pg.4). Abiakam advises his readers to "Read and recommend to your friends one by one…
Although this is one of only a few pamphlets written by a woman, this edition of 'A Woman's Pride is Her Husband' probably from 1962, was "revised and enlarged" by Felix N. Stephen, another popular and prolific pamphlet author. This situation raises…
This long pamphlet is described as "a novel on the dangers of illegal injections and self-medications," (pg.70). Neither an advice guide nor how-to pamphlet, this fictional account joins others by Akuneme that cover issues related to mental health,…
This guide offers general advice for unmarried men and women as well as married couples in eighteen short chapters. The forward notes that the theme of the pamphlet is "look before you leap," (pg.4). An entertaining chapter 13 lists "The Ten…
This play is unique in the Onitsha collection for several important reasons.It was written just after the Biafran War, described by the playwright as "the shooting war," (pg.2). Additionally, it has a definite production history. It was performed for…
Providing almost one proverb for every day of the year, C. N. Eze offers several intriguing messages about wisdom, justice and morality. In the first 19 chapters of this pamphlet Eze discusses how "brotherhood" has both lagged and manifested itself,…
This play is a historical drama by possibly the most prolific playwright of Onitsha Market Literature. Iguh writes in his preface that the purpose of the play is to inform readers of the last days of Lumumba and the manner in which he died. He then…
The strong feminist overtones of this fictional account suggest that the author, Adele Madumere, is a woman. Lizzy, the main character of this long story, is a strong and independent woman who continuously questions men and their intentions. In the…