Part of the Bee collection, this honey bee was collecting pollen from a group of lavender flowers. Never landing, I was able to capture this image of the bee by chance after following her for five minutes.
Part of the Bee collection, this honey bee was collecting pollen from a group of Purpletop Vervain flowers. Following her as she progressed, I was able to take this image and one other.
Part of the Bee collection, this honey bee was collecting pollen from a group of Purpletop Vervain flowers. Following her as she progressed, I was able to take this image and one other.
This piece is part of a series I completed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic examining how my close friends find calm in chaos. Each piece explores an activity that serves as a form of stress relief and self-expression. In my neighbor Peggy's…
This is a parody of a series of tapestries "The Hunt of the Unicorn." This piece is re-imaging the content of the tapestries in a more modern time period.
The poster is for a make believe cult who is trying to encourage other people to join. The only activity this cult participates in is the eating of bugs out of a jar.
My intention is to create a sense of calm crashing waves with a dual complementary color palette that initially provides a sense of forebode. The subject matter is of a large, whimsical still-life which I warped into a poorly structured pirate ship,…
This painting is a mixed master study of Sung Wen-chih's "Yellow Mountains" and Yang Bao Long's "Waterfall." I intend to collage pieces from both artworks and combine them with my ideas, creating a waterfall appearing from the mountains above,…