This is one of the pieces that is part of my "tri"-collection of portraits of my younger self. Aside from the three portraits being my younger self, they signify the importance of being little and who I was to myself: kind, innocent, and careless. I…
This is a drawing of the statue 'David' by Michelangelo. David is known for his heroism act of defeating Goliath the giant. The red stripes behind him represent his courage and bravery from the act. My hands are putting back pieces into David,…
Cheerful, Little Me is a piece that is part of a three work collection I did entirely based on photos of me when I was little. It is a collection that brings forward the feeling of nostalgia, remembering the times when I was so innocent and happy.…
A Jeweler's Tapestry is part of a portfolio examining the question: Why is society shielded from original Greek mythology? This vase represents the downfalls of hubris and how the myth of Arachne exhibits this idea. Throughout my artwork, I analyzed…
Laurel Leaves is part of a portfolio examining the question: Why is society shielded from original Greek mythology? The lack of balance in this necklace represents the unequal recognition that Gods received in Greek mythology, much like society…
Explored new tools in Photoshop with the goal of getting my subjects as detailed and as textured as possible. For this project, the only requirement was 9 side profiles. So, I chose to illustrate my favorite thing ever- cats!!!
This piece was centered around plant design. We had to choose a word to represent the mood of our piece. I chose to illustrate a plane being overgrown after its collision with death.