Inspired by the stop-motion film "Coraline," this mixed media movie poster recreates the iconic character. I collaged this piece with hand-dyed yarn, a clay key, watercolors, and various sewing supplies to pay homage to one of my favorite films and…
This work showcases the true cost of fast fashion. It illustrates the physical and emotional toll the working conditions these people face simply so others can enjoy the luxury of cheap merchandise.
This work visually depicts the way anxiety can feel overwhelming and too big to grasp. The figure is precariously balancing while still trying to appear elegant.
'Bombshell' represents the convergence of both ecological concerns and social pressures, physically conceptualized as an interspecies between oyster and human. Through my wearable sculpture, I call out the toxicity of calling women "bombshell babes",…
Batik art represents an ancient tradition of fabric dyeing, characterized by the meticulous handcrafting of patterns. Using a specialized pen filled with wax, the artist meticulously hand-drew the designs, infusing the fabric with intricate motifs.…
On a trip visiting a rural village in my country, I came across a vibrant toy, its hues arresting my attention. Intrigued by the chromatic playfulness, I pondered the perception of those with color vision deficiencies. This curiosity birthed a…