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Hinshaw.Past Lives.24.jpg
This work symbolizes how no matter how much you try to change and create a new self, your past self will always be a part of you, and it resembles your current self more than you think. I attempted to make this painting appear to be a skull inside a…


Hinshaw.Rain Brain.24.jpg
This self portrait represents the feeling of rainy days and a melancholic mood. The intersection covering the face was a stop on my daily commute to school, symbolic of feeling stuck in the same routine with no inclination of change. There’s also a…

Haverkamp.Prairie Babies.24.jpg
This diptych is a tribute to being young in Kansas.


Haverkamp.Little Red Riding Hood Book Cover.24.jpg
This was part of a semester-long project of classic book covers.


Sprinkalicious is part of a series focused on rebranding the iconic sugar cookie sold at Walmart. Cookies are meant to be fun and exciting with every bite. The idea was to have these upbeat feelings conveyed in this rebranding series. This piece…


Untitled (Perfume) is part of a project focusing on light interacting with objects. The dark and moody lighting that backlights the perfume bottle brings a personality to the everyday object. The perfume suddenly becomes more alive and compelling all…


Dessert is part of the series La Bourgeoisie. This series questions the hierarchical class status with the use of food. In a ten-course meal, college iconic food is presented in a high-status food presentation. This photograph is of the dessert…


Waterfall is part of the series Precarious Beauty. This series questions the normalcy of the destruction caused by natural disasters. In this photograph, the embroidery creates an absurd scenario caused by a rainstorm. It portrays unrealistic fears…

Haddock.Flower Eye.24.jpg
This piece is part of an ongoing series of portraits featuring woman interacting and being a part of nature and the elements.


The wind gusting through Miles's hair and the sails of his boat, Ragnarok, as he takes control of the jib sails.


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