Living in a basement apartment can be dark and dank. Often, the only sources of light are from a few small windows and my laptop. However, I try to brighten the space with personal items. This piece was created in December, so I set up a small…
This is a bright, stylized interior, at odds with the figure in the corner. Despite the colorful shapes and textures around her, she is stuck contemplating something altogether different.
I moved to San Diego for one year before moving back to Kansas. Using some details from my day-to-day life like sun-catchers, my houseplants, a particular sunset, and a particular view on my way to school, I painted myself as stuck in a figurative…
A metanoia is a moment in which a person experiences a change of heart or mind. Whilst this change may not be visible in the piece on its own, Metanoia is the point in which I experienced a shift in their life. During it’s creation, I realized that…
This piece is part of a series about lesbian relationships and how many people automatically sexualize them or treat them as something for their own pleasure. The series consists of obscured, nude portraits of me and my partner engaging in acts of…