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Debs Letter Part 1.jpg
A letter from Eugene Debs to C.B. Hoffman in which Debs expresses his regret that his has not been able to pay The People's College a visit.

Hoffman.Self-Portrait of the Unknown.24.jpg
I tried to paint myself but I'm not sure who it turned out to be.


Hoffman.Skull with Objects.24.jpg
Painting 1 still life


Hoffman.Still Life Cow #1.24.jpg
Childhood objects from friends and family.


Greene.Pitt Stop.2023-24.jpg
My dad and I are always finding adventures to go on, especially in small forgotten towns that hold fun secrets. Behind us was the largest ball of twine, but in front was this 1930's gas station converted into a motel.

Greene.Emma and Abe.2023-24.jpg
This was not shot I had planned on taking, but something about the way my friends were standing in the field and the wind blowing in their hair reminded me of the grass and how they were just like pieces standing tall waving in the wind.

Large format photography takes a lot of concentration and accounting for many things all at once and a simple mistake can either cost you or create a happy accident, like this one. I had forgotten to turn over the film holder for the second photo…

Greene.Golden Horses.2023-24.jpg
Neighboring horses grazing out in their pasture.

Early morning on Perry Lake and the mist blankets the water while this boat stands tall amidst it all.

Greene.The Pursuit.24.jpg
As the boats sail on towards the next mark, a fellow competitor follows closely behind.


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