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Notes on February Sisters Position Paper Sent to Chancellor by David Garret and Chancellor's Return Letter.pdf
A copy of the February Sisters' Position Paper with critical remarks written in by David Garret, sent by his father Phillip Garret to Chancellor Chalmers. A return letter to David Garret from Chancellor Chalmers thanking him for his "comments and theā€¦

International Women's Day Flyer 1971.jpg
A flyer for International Women's Day at KU that includes events and a statement on the needs of women and the importance of women's rights.

Flyer Announcing Occupation of East Asian Building.pdf
A document announcing the seizure and occupation of the East Asian Studies building by the February Sisters, including a statement about why the building was chosen.

February Sisters Press Release.pdf
Press release from the February Sisters after their occupation of the East Asian Studies building on February 4, 1972.

SenEx News Release Regarding February Sisters Feb 5 1972.pdf
News release from the KU Senate Executive Committee regarding the February Sisters' occupation of the East Asian Studies building.

February Sisters Position Statement on a Health Care Program for Women.pdf
A position paper released by the February Sisters concerning the lack of appropriate medical resources for women at the University, with an action plan on how to correct those inequalities.

February Sisters Position Paper on A Women's Studies Department.pdf
A paper by the February Sisters detailing the need for a Women's Studies Department at KU.

February Sisters Occupation Flyer.pdf
A flyer announcing the February Sisters seizure of the East Asian Studies building that was handed out on KU campus during the occupation

February Sisters Announcements Feb 20 1972.pdf
A handout from a February Sisters meeting containing: general announcements, progress on affirmative action at KU, a report from the Autonomous Women's Program Committee, and an outline of the February Sister's ideas for daycare at KU.

February Sisters Anniversary Film Festival and Progress Report 1973.pdf
A flyer with events announcing an anniversary film festival in honor of the February Sisters. Includes a two page progress report of what has been accomplished since the occupation of the East Asian building in 1972.
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