Michael Baskett, Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies
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Michael Baskett, Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies
Michael Baskett is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Film and Media Studies. His area of specialization is Film History with an emphasis on Japanese and East Asian film studies. He is author of The Attractive Empire: transnational film culture in Imperial Japan (University of Hawaii Press) 2008, and co-editor (with William Tsutsui) of The East Asian Olympiads 1934-2008 : building bodies and nations in Japan, Korea, and China (Global Oriental) 2008. Other publications include "Goodwill Hunting: Rediscovering and Remembering Manchuko in Japanese ‘Goodwill Films’,” in Crossed Histories: Manchuria in the Age of Empire, edited by Mariko A. Tamanoi, 120-149. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005; “Outposts of Empire: Representations of Southeast Asia in Japanese Film,” in Representing the Japanese Occupation of Indonesia: Personal Testimonies and Public Images in Indonesia, Japan, and the Netherlands, edited by Femco Faben, 143-156. Zwolle: Waanders Publishers, 1999.
“Michael Baskett, Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025, https://exhibits.lib.ku.edu/items/show/6337.