Letter, Kenneth Spencer to his mother, October 18, 1920


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Letter, Kenneth Spencer to his mother, October 18, 1920


Kenneth and Helen met as high school students in Pittsburg, Kansas. Several articles about Kenneth describe how they first crossed paths; the stories are similar, although they differ on some of the specific details. For example, according to a June 1960 article in KU’s Alumni Magazine,

"Kenneth remembered how the Pittsburg high girls always showed up to watch [football practice]. At one practice session which was especially rough there was a new freshman girl watching. The new girl’s name was Helen Foresman, and she didn’t seem to mind at all that following practice Kenneth’s face was dirty and scratched, his jersey spattered and torn from the rough and tumble practice. Kenneth rode home from the practice in Helen Foresman’s motor car. Before Kenneth got out of the car he had arranged a date with the vivacious, auburn-haired Helen."

Kenneth and Helen continued dating even after he left Pittsburg for the University of Kansas. In the letter shown here, written one month into his freshman year at KU, Kenneth describes one of Helen’s visits to Lawrence. The pair spent some time in Kansas City and enjoyed a party, a “picture show,” and meals out.


RH VLT MS 157:1.3


“Letter, Kenneth Spencer to his mother, October 18, 1920,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 16, 2025, https://exhibits.lib.ku.edu/items/show/7638.