Steinbergs' Business Card


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Steinbergs' Business Card


The front and back of a Steinbergs' business card


Circa 1865


Ink stamped on cardstock






RH MS P479.7a

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Front: With compliments of Simon Steinberg managing proprieter of Steinbergs' Clothing House 87 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas [over]

Back: Eight good reasons why you should buy your clothing of us
First.- We keep the bext selected and largest stock in the State.
Second.- We will sell more quantity and give better value for less money.
Third.- We make no misrepresentations, and all goods are warranted as represented. 
Fourth.- We are Resident Tax Payers of your county, and our interests are with yours.
Fifth.- We have bought and sold clothing, &c., for over a quarter of a century, and know, therefors what you need. 
Sixth.- We have made arrangements to have all our clothing manufactured expressly for us by one of the largest clothing manufacturers int he east. 
Seventh.- Our new clothing Palace is one of the handsomest, most commodious, and best lighted structures of its kind in the west.
Eighth.- We occupy our own building, have small expenses, are satisfied wuth small profits, and all goods are in best quality, quantity and style, not excelled anywhere; also Clothing Made to Order witha small advance on ready-made, and a perfect fit guaranteed. 
Strictly square deelings at Steinberg's, the King Clothier. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c., 
87 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas.
Established 1865. 


“Steinbergs' Business Card,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed January 18, 2025,