About the Collection
The Leon K. Hughes Photography Collection, acquired by the University of Kansas in 2009 from Mrs. Rosie Hughes, wife of Mr. Leon K. Hughes, consists of more than 2,700 images. 1100 of these photos have been digitized and are now available to viewers around the world. Any available information about the photographs has been compiled into the metadata records related to each digital file.
Where possible, identification has been given from captions or more recently provided information. Where only partial identification is available, a question mark has been included within the labeling (e.g. "? Smith"). Where multiple, identified prints of the same size are housed in one folder, subjects of individual prints are noted in the collection finding aid. Where a subject appears in photographs across multiple categories, an effort has been made to provide cross reference information; this information is included as "See also" notes.
Arrangement is chiefly alphabetical by name or, if name is unavailable, by subject; where arrangement is by names, the last name is used when possible. Wedding photographs are arranged alphabetically by the husband's last name if available, and if not, the wife's last name is used.
The Leon K. Hughes Collection was acquired by the Kansas Collection in the Spencer Research Library at KU and is one of the African American Experience Collections. The entire digital Hughes Collection is part of KU's image repository and can be found at http://luna.ku.edu:8180/luna/servlet/kuluna01kui~16~16.