The Artistic Process: 1985-1993
- Children feeding squirrels (the models were the Tylers’ children)
- Squirrel carrying baby in its mouth
- Squirrel chase
Pen-and-ink and pencil-shaded drawings and color proof of book-jacket for book by Ada and Frank Graham, We Watch Squirrels (New York: Delacorte Press, 1985), book-jacket and pp. 18-19, 48-49.
- Lowbush blueberry
- Black-capped chickadee
- Tiger swallowtail butterfly
Pen-and-ink drawings for the book by Chris Elfring, AMC Guide to Mount Desert Island and Acadia National Park, 5th ed (Boston, Mass: Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 1993), pp. 33, 51, 59.