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  • Collection: Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship

The author provides a description of the evolution of the governing institutions of imperial China through periods of unity and disunity from the late Han (150 CE) to the late Qing (1850) dynasties, giving an account of change and continuity in…

In this book, the author offers a thematically organized political, social, and economic exploration of China from 1368 to 1644. He examines how the Ming dynasty was able to endure for 276 years, illuminating Ming foreign relations and border…

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Sherry Fowler received her Ph.D. in Japanese Art History from UCLA. Among her publications are Muroji: Rearranging Art and History at a Japanese Buddhist Temple (University of Hawai’i Press, 2005); “Locating Tomyoji and Its…


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Megan Greene is Associate Professor of History and Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas. A historian of Republican China, her publications include, The Origins of the Developmental State in Taiwan: Science Policy…


Electro-plating with a hand generator, owing to absence of mains current, at the Scientific Apparatus Supply Service factory

Reprint periodicals from the Republic era (1911-1949) China. It was originally published in 1939-1940 during the war in wartime capital Chongqing. Science education was emphasized by the ruling party KMT with Western influence.

This 1944 document is the introductory page of a memorandum sent by Academia Sinica's governing council to China's Ministry of Education regarding a set of initiatives proposed by Academia Sinica to help foster scientific research in China. Academia…

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An associate professor in the department of political science at the University of Kansas. His research focuses on rural social and political development including village elections, tax reform and rural education. He frequently returns to China to…


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