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  • Collection: Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship

In a famous scene illustrated in the Ming dynasty Illustrated Biographies of Exemplary Women, the daughter of the Han dynasty usurper, Wang Mang, throws herself into the flames. Before he usurped the throne, Wang Mang married his daughter to the Han…

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In another illustration from the Illustrated Biographies of Exemplary Women, Emperor Ming (reigned 466-472) of the Liu Song dynasty once outraged his empress during a grand gathering in which he had everyone watch a group of palace women take their…

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Translation of Genji monogatari by Murasaki Shikibu. Widely recognized as the world's first novel, this 11-centruy Japanese tale details both the political fortunes and many amorous adventures of Genji, the shining prince. This book is the focus of…

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An example of a search result in the Scripta Sinica site that KU subscribes to. This site has searchable texts of many editions of early Chinese works, many of which include commentaries. Commentaries are often essential when one is reading early…

The Chinese painting was shown in a 1925 exhibition in Kyoto


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This widescreen epic was produced at the height of the Cold War referring to the failed Mongol invasion as a metaphor for the threat of communism and reified an idealized image of Japan as historically resisting aggression from the Chinese mainland.

Three stone tablets of the Wenxian Covenant Texts in color, enhanced to increase legibility of the script. These three examples include a variant form of the character used to denote the name of the spirit called on to sanction the covenants


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