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  • Collection: Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship

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Professor Kennedy with elementary school children in Ningxia 2011.


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Image 1&2: These are picture of 4th grade elementary school boys in Shaanxi province filling out basic Chinese reading and math forms. We use these basic learning forms to evaluate how nutritional standards can influence academic performance.…


Masterpieces of Chinese Portrait Painting in the National Palace Museum

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In another illustration from the Illustrated Biographies of Exemplary Women, Emperor Ming (reigned 466-472) of the Liu Song dynasty once outraged his empress during a grand gathering in which he had everyone watch a group of palace women take their…

My research focuses on premodern Japanese social and cultural history especially foodways, consumption, and the performing arts. I offer courses on Japanese and Tibetan history and food culture, and I have taught at the University of Kansas since…


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Contemporary “Japanese cuisine” was developed beginning in the late 19th century by blending native and foreign cooking styles. By examining Japanese cookbooks, recipe collections, and gastronomic writings from 1400 to 1868, the author offers the…

Scenes from the illustrated hand scroll of The Tale of Genji
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