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  • Collection: Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship

I earned a B.A. at Gettysburg College in History in 1972, having started my study of Japanese at Middlebury Summer School in 1971 and attended Princeton University to study Japanese language, history, and literature and Chinese Art History as a…


Scenes from the illustrated hand scroll of The Tale of Genji

Michael Baskett is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Film and Media Studies. His area of specialization is Film History with an emphasis on Japanese and East Asian film studies. He is author of The Attractive…


John Dardess, Professor Emeritus of History, retired in 2002 after thirty-five years of teaching East Asian, Chinese, and Inner Asian history to students at KU. He is the author of six books and many articles on Yuan and Ming history. His latest is…


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Sherry Fowler received her Ph.D. in Japanese Art History from UCLA. Among her publications are Muroji: Rearranging Art and History at a Japanese Buddhist Temple (University of Hawai’i Press, 2005); “Locating Tomyoji and Its…


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Megan Greene is Associate Professor of History and Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas. A historian of Republican China, her publications include, The Origins of the Developmental State in Taiwan: Science Policy…


Electro-plating with a hand generator, owing to absence of mains current, at the Scientific Apparatus Supply Service factory
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