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  • Collection: Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship

This 1944 document is the introductory page of a memorandum sent by Academia Sinica's governing council to China's Ministry of Education regarding a set of initiatives proposed by Academia Sinica to help foster scientific research in China. Academia…

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An associate professor in the department of political science at the University of Kansas. His research focuses on rural social and political development including village elections, tax reform and rural education. He frequently returns to China to…


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Image 1: This is a 2011 picture of a 5th grader at a rural elementary school in Gansu Province. She is eating an egg provided by the school as a part of the Egg-a-Day Program starting in Gansu. The program is based off of the neighboring Shaanxi…

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Image 1&2: These are picture of 4th grade elementary school boys in Shaanxi province filling out basic Chinese reading and math forms. We use these basic learning forms to evaluate how nutritional standards can influence academic performance.…


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Since about 2002, local governments have been consolidating rural elementary schools. In the 1980s and 1990s almost every village had an elementary school, now there is about one school for every eight to ten villages. This means many students live…


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Students walking home from school. In the more remote areas even the closer homes are about three to four kilometers way from school.


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Image 1: Professor Kennedy interviewing two parents (mothers) at the one school 2010.

Image 2: Author’s Survey 2009-2010 (Baseline survey conducted in 2009 and Evaluation survey conducted in 2010)


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Professor Kennedy with elementary school teachers in Gansu 2011.


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Professor Kennedy with elementary school children in Ningxia 2011.


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Refereed Publications

John James Kennedy, “Supply and Demand for Grassroots Political Reform in Rural China”, Journal of Chinese Political Science (accepted February 2009)

John James Kennedy, “Legitimacy with Chinese Characteristics: ‘Two…
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