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Engraving; black printing ink on machine-made, laid paper (UNICORN 100% RAG BOOK)

Includes plans and guidelines for upcoming "Easter Manoeuvers," p. 2.

Lily Yeats' bookplate in the volume, and an opening to a passage in which the titular character Jacob briefly contemplates Irish Home Rule (page 226, top paragraph).

ksrl_ua_64.0.2_KsAlumni Jhwk and Maloy_Nov1971b.jpeg
Kansas Alumni Magazine cover for November 1971, featuring Hank Maloy and the Jayhawk mascot.

Bound with L’Escole des femmes (1663), Le Malade imaginaire (1683) and Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1674).

Excerpt from Historia general de las Indias y conquista de México (General History of the Indies and Conquest of Mexico) by Francisco López de Gómara, first published 1552. In La cosmographia by Peter Apian, 1575.
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