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Rockers.Age could never hide your beauty.24.jpg
This photograph is part of a series titled "The Time Between Us" about documenting the time I have left with my aging mother. Through the years as I watched my mother age, I've realized that age could never hide her beauty. Fifty, Sixty, or Seventy…


Rockers.The Male Gaze and teh Objectification of Women.24.jpg
A project that began as self-love turned into something that confronted a major issue in media and society. The media often portrays women as objects that can be sexually objectified just because they show a little skin. Women are portrayed as weak…


Ramos.Va a en el Táscate.24.jpg
While in Mexico for a month without signal, I spent most of my time admiring and photographing the free-roaming animals. I engraved this image I took of a grazing cow onto porcelain tiles, questioning the relationship humans have with animals and…


Ramos.Higher Self.24.jpg
While investigating my intersecting identities, I sculpted this self portrait as I always resort to the idea of my ‘higher self’ in a way people resort to a higher being for answers.


Overbaugh.Two Jokers.24.jpg
These kitty jesters have somehow managed to escape the bounds of their respective playing cards, and also care about each other very much.


Overbaugh.Janus in Moonlight.24.jpg
A Janus cat sits on a dilapidated staircase during a moonlit night.


This is a count cross-stitch pattern that I drafted digitally, inspired by the eponymous winged serpent deity of Mesoamerican origin.


This piece pictures my parents on their engagement. I painted it during my decision to attend the University of Kansas, one of the most convincing factors being that my parents got married in the Danforth Chapel on campus.


With this self-portrait, I challenged myself with color by inverting portions of the piece. I also wanted to make it a little bit interactive, so while pointing a camera with an inverted filter, the colors will invert.


Oh.Stop by My Leaf!.24.jpg
During a walk, I was struck by some trees growing near Indiana St. Each leaf caught the Spring sunlight and seemed to invite winged and antennae-d friends.


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