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Women's Studies Courses 72_73.1.jpg
A list of Women's Studies Courses offered by the University of Kansas during the 1972/1973 school year.

Women's Health Care Task Force Summary of Action.pdf
A summary of actions taken by the Women's Health Care Task Force to further initiate programs in response to the demands of the February Sisters.

Women's Health Care Program Committee.pdf
A progress report by the Women's Coalition Women's Health Care Program Committee.

Women's Coalition Meeting Agenda Jan 21 1971.jpg
Handout from a Women's Coalition meeting that includes the groups aims and goals, committees, and meeting dates.

Women's Coalition Letter to Faculty Women About Women's Studies Program.1.jpg
A letter to University faculty women from a student committee for a Women's Studies program, asking for those interested to teach courses.

Women's Coalition Flyer.pdf
Flyer with information about the Women's Coalition at the University of Kansas.

Women's Coalition Flyer for Child Care Petition.jpg
A flyer detailing the lack of and need for free child care at the University of Kansas and asking for petition signatures.

Women's Center Operating Budget 1970.1.jpg
A proposal for a Women's Center at KU, including a proposed operating budget.

Statements of Women Faculty Released to February Sisters.pdf
Statements of KU women faculty members addressing the treatment and rights of women at the University.

Position Paper of the February Sisters.pdf
Position paper on the rights and treatment of women at the University of Kansas released by the February Sisters.
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