Anonymous Kansas Farmers Diary April/May 1890


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Anonymous Kansas Farmers Diary April/May 1890


Diary from an anonymous Kansas farmer notating the daily activities of life around the farm


Anonymous Farmer


April/May 1890


Handwritten text in bound journal. Approximately 10" x 4". Brown cover with brown binding






RH MS P885

Document Item Type Metadata


April 1890

1 bought 3 calves of ricks for #30

1 bought 3 calves of cockron for $30

7 Bred an to young prince

9 Sold 34 fat steers for $3.50 + 10 for $3.25 + 45 hogs for $3.75 to Phil Sifes

10 Took 39 head of cattle to charla lions to pasture at 25 cts per head a month

12 Catle averages 1016.P.

12 Hogs averaged 230.P.

13 Hogs + Catle came to $1935

14 Bell [avayo] 1400.P.

17 Lions look 31 head of cattle to the ranch brand [snake] brand on left [illegible]

18 B. Bell Sal + Kate

“ Bought 3 Towmillet for 4.D. of Odin

28 Gus can raked corn stalks ½ day with his team I am to plow ½ day for him next fall

May 1890

1 bought a book for 26 B of [illegible]

1 commenced plowing corn

2 [illegible] corn stalks ½ day

3 finished planting corn on north west 40

3 Sowed 4.A. of clover + orchard [illegible]

5 Sold the Osborn bunder for $60

5 Planted one A of cotton

6 Kate Bred

9 Planted corn in the 8.A. lot

12 Planted orchard in corn

14 Sal. B. + Burnt hedge along road

15 Anna started to Ohio and we had a hard frost last nite killed the grape vines potatoes + [illegible]

16 Mod bred

17 My birthday went to the [circus] + the boys got me a knife

20 Had new potatoes

21 first letter from Anna

22 had 2 inches of rain

24 Ann. B.

24 took [illegible] to pasture to pay 40 cts a month a head

25 acted as superintendent at S.S.

26 Kate. B.

29 got a letter from Anna

30 Bobtail sow had 10 pigs

30 Planted pumpkins and [cucumbers]

31 planted corn in garden


Anonymous Farmer, “Anonymous Kansas Farmers Diary April/May 1890,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025,