Anonymous Farmers Diary June/July 1890
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June 1890
1 Acted as superintendent
2 Planted pumpkins traded D.S.Sheward cow and calf for 2 steer he pay the pasture til June 10
4 Hung the gate up at the road
5 commenced cultivating corn
5 had a strawberry festival at school
6 Anna came home from Ohio
9 bought a deering binder for $150
10 got 100 pound of 12cts [illegible]
13 [illegible] got 50.P. of 12 cts [illegible]
13 commenced cutting may wheat
14 finished cutting 23 A [illegible] wheat
14 Cut 23 A of wheat in 1 ½ days
14 had 3 inches of rain
15 Anna is sick
16 Kate. B.
17 Homer and John have the hoofing [illegible]
18 Early aples
19 commenced cutting late wheat
20 plums are ripe
21 Bird B
21 [Louera] for 7 balls of twine
25 finished cutting wheat
25 [Louera] got 1.sack + 10..balls of twine
28 finished hailing in oats
30 Davy began thrashing
July 1890
1 took a load of old wheat over to [Loueras]
4 Thrashers 196.B. of may wheat + 1083 of Oregon red
5 helped stuart ½ day thrash + ¾ day haul oats to town Stuart helped me 1 day thrash
11 Olins ows me $1 for 2 wagons + [illegible] thrashing
15 finished hauling in oats
18 Fathers got 1 sack [illegible]
21 brought [illegible] home
21 sold the farm to stuart for six thousand dollars put in 1 hay wagon +long cart + [illegible] 1 plow
23 made out the paper for the farm
24 went down to see the catle
26 starter to plow for wheat
28 [Louera] for 25 bushel of wheat
29 commence plowing oats [illegible]
Anonymous Farmer, “Anonymous Farmers Diary June/July 1890,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025,