Uncertain Progression
Dublin Core
Uncertain Progression
LibArt 2022
My work discusses themes around disabled identity/bodies, philosophy, and the fluidity of time and space. Through exploratory efforts as a visual arts student, I have recently branched out into fiber based work, challenging myself to find ways to discuss my chosen themes in a new medium as well as what fiber is able to do that other mediums aren't. Uncertain Progression consists of three circular hand-dyed quilts which degrade progressively from one to the other and are made to resemble MRI scans of my brain. By making a series of quilts, I am able to visually communicate the uncertainty and chaos of each new test, doctor's appointment, and treatment I receive as a disabled person as well as reference the softness and comfort quilts have historically brought during times of hardship. I used free sewing techniques to create tumor-like appliques and scrawled on “doctor’s notes.” While the quilts depict my own brain, my recognizable body is not present which allows me to safely distance myself as well as create a more universal work that other disabled people are able to find personal meaning in.
Griffin Mathews
Held by creator
Cotton Fabrix, studding, thread
Griffin Mathews, “Uncertain Progression,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 11, 2025, https://exhibits.lib.ku.edu/items/show/8736.