Materials from the Wilcox Collection

FBI wanted poster from the ephemera file of the Weather Underground which operated as an underground urban guerilla force. It originated as Revolutionary Youth Movement I in 1969 when Students for a Democratic Society split into several fractions. It was also known as Weatherman for a short time. RH WL EPH 2094

Cesar Salads by Judy Hogness was published in 1977 in support of American farm workers during the lettuce and table grape boycotts of the 1970s. Cesar Chavez, leader of the United Farm Workers Union, provided the forward for this political cookbook. RH WL C9300

La Raza served as a voice for Mexican Americans in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Other similar publications in the Wilcox Collection include Inferno, Chicano Times, Guardia and Viva la Huelga also known as the Farrah Strike Bulletin. RH WL G501

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, published by Houghton Mifflin in 1962, brought concerns to the American public about the effects of chemicals on the earth. Her landmark research helped to launch the environmental movement. RH WL C9310

Founded by Willis A. Carto in 1955, Liberty Lobby is "a patriotic pressure group ... wholly dedicated to the advancement of governmental policies based on our Constitution." Its main activities were the coordination of grass-roots pressure campaigns, the presentation of testimony before Congress, and the publication of the conservative newspaper Spotlight. RH WL C2571

The Armed Eagle was the official publication of the Association to Preserve our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Inc. and published in Medford, Oregon. Shown is the back cover of the May 1969 issue. RH WL D3384

Quotations from Chairman LBJ, written by Jack Shepherd and Christopher S. Wren, published by Simon and Schuster in 1968, and fashioned after Mao Tse-Tung’s Little Red Book. “These quotations have been taken from the speeches, musings and digressions of Lyndon Baines Johnson ….Let workers, peasants, students, housewives and Republicans study, memorize and digest the exhortations of Chairman Johnson. Let little children add their tiny voices to public and private recitations of these joyous inspirations." RH WL1 A30

These items are from the archives of the Women for Racial and Economic Equality and represent the 187 cubic feet of records and manuscripts in the Wilcox Collection. RH WL MS 16

Prairie Firepolitical statement of the Weather Underground was published by Communications Co. in 1974. Bernadine, Dohrn, Billy Ayers (both pictured in the FBI wanted poster on the right) Jeff Jones, and Celia Sojourn wrote in the forward “here is PRAIRIE FIRE, our political ideology – a strategy for anti-imperialism and revolution inside the imperial US.” RH WL C6715