Timeline of the S.A.T.C. and the 1918 Flu Epidemic, as reported in newspapers:
THE UNIVERSITY DAILY KANSAN (Lawrence, Kansas) = UDKLAWRENCE DAILY JOURNAL-WORD (Lawrence, Kansas) = LDJWTHE INDIAN LEADER (student newspaper at Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, Kansas) = ILTHE DAILY GAZETTE (Lawrence, Kansas) = DGApril 11
LDJW - Reported on a “mystery epidemic” of influenza at Haskell Indian Nations University, resulting in 457 cases, and 4 deaths.
April 12
IL - Published a report from Charles E. Banks, Surgeon General of the United States, written to school Superintendent H.B. Peairs after Banks had visited Haskell. He reported that he believed the outbreak of influenza the school was experiencing to be the same influenza being experienced at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kansas.
August 14
LDJW - "Be No R.O.T.C.....That considerable plans for military drill system at the University of Kansas this year will be made is indicated by a message from the War Department received by Major Bruno T. Scher, in charge of military activities at the University. The message states that a Students' Army Training Corps would be established on the hill instead of a Reserve Officers' Training Corps, as was first announced."
August 15
LDJW - "Will Uniform KU Students. Military Plans for the University are Materially Changed by Order. All Students will be Regular Army Soldiers. Will Be Placed in Class Five of the Draft and Must Wear Uniform at all Times According to New Plan. Those Who Make Good Will Upon Leaving School be Sent to Officers Training Camps for Further Training." In this article, the details of how the S.A.T.C. would function were given.
September 16
UDK - Announced the start of academic registration for the KU men of the Student Army Training Corps (S.A.T.C.). Registration took place in Green Hall (at the time the Law School), in groups of 100 at a time.
UDK - Captain Bruno T. Schér, United State Army (retired), was announced as the commander of the S.A.T.C. at the University of Kansas.
September 23
DG - “No Influenza Here” quoted Samuel S. Crumbine [Secretary of the Kansas State Board of Health and Dean of the KU School of Medicine] as saying that so far there was no flu in Kansas, but it was coming.
September 26
LDJW – “Warns Lawrence of Spanish Flu” quoted city and county health authorities advising that “all cases must be isolated at once. One of the worst known epidemics of influenza is now going over the country and there is no reason for believing that we will escape.”
September 27
LDJW – “Spanish Flu Suspected Here. 20 students ordered to remain in their [Sigma Chi] Frat house today.”
September 28
LDJW - Reported that city and county health authorities declared that they would stamp out the disease even if they had to close schools, movies, and churches.
October 2
UDK - Reported on the swearing-in ceremony of the KU student-soldiers joining the S.A.T.C. All 150,000 men enrolled in the War Department’s program were sworn-in on the same day, at the same hour, throughout the country in the 500 participating colleges and universities. Captain Schér administered the oath of allegiance.
October 4
UDK – “Downtown Hops Taboo, University and S.A.T.C. Authorities Announce.” Admonished students and members of the S.A.T.C. not to attend unauthorized university dances. Captain Schér pointed out that “All members of the S.A.T.C. are first of all students of the University, and must obey the rules of the institution.”
October 7
UDK - Reported that enrollment for the fall of 1918 was 3,006. Of that 921 were women and 2,085 were men.
UDK – “Prevention of Influenza Discussed by Cabinet.” Report of a meeting held by the Chancellor and his cabinet to begin planning for the prevention of the spread of influenza on campus. The meeting was prompted by the unusually high number of absences being reported by faculty.
October 8
LDJW - “University and Schools Ordered Closed Today by Health Authorities - Theaters, churches and clubs of Lawrence follow suit and go into voluntary quarantine against the spread of the Spanish Influenza which now threatens the population and student body.”
LDJW – Also on the front page, a declaration from acting mayor W.W. Holyfield, instructing all public gatherings to cease or be limited to no more than twenty attendees, and for citizens to comply with the orders of the health authorities.
UDK – And a proclamation from Chancellor Strong announced the cancellation of all classes and campus activities effective at noon that day. Further, a quarantine was declared for all students through October 15th.
October 9
UDK - “S.A.T.C. Men Raise Fund for Sick Comrades” reported that student-soldiers were raising money for men who were stricken with the flu. Lieutenant Cramer said, “The boys are going to have all they need.”
UDK - “Students Must Prevent Spread of Influenza – Chancellor Announces” reminded students of the guidelines for quarantine and encouraged everyone to do their part.
UDK - “S.A.T.C. Authorities Report 130 Influenza Cases at Infirmary – Ten Cases at K.U. Hospital.”
UDK - “Pajamas Are Needed for Many Men Sick in S.A.T.C. Infirmary” called for donations of pajamas from the University community. The men had become sick so suddenly upon arrival to campus that they had not yet been issued their military clothing.
October 10
UDK - “University Will Be Closed Until October 21,” extended the shut-down and quarantine for another week.
UDK - “Pajamas Are Supplied Men in S.A.T.C. Hospital.” Mrs. Frank Strong reported that enough pajamas had been received, and donations were no longer needed.
UDK - Dr. Samuel J. Crumbine wanted to “Impress on every student the great hazard of travel at this time.” There were a number of students who had left campus to return home, in spite of the quarantine.
UDK - “Total Influenza Cases Third Day of Epidemic is Put Officially at 151.” All of these cases were among the men of the S.A.T.C.
UDK – “University of Missouri Closes as Precaution.”
October 14
LDJW - "Muffled Drums Are Sounded First Time...Harlan Warren of Delphos is First Student to Die During Epidemic."
DG - "Given Honor of Soldiers at Burial....Two Deaths at S.A.T.C. Infirmary From Pneumonia Following Influenza....Military Honors and Escorts to Train."
November 4
UDK, S.A.T.C. Edition – “Number of Patients in K.U. Infirmaries Down to Eighty-Six.”
UDK, S.A.T.C. Edition - “Total Deaths Twenty-Four” article was accompanied by list of the names of those who had died in the campus hospital and S.A.T.C. infirmaries.
UDK, S.A.T.C. Edition - “Capt. Bruno T. Schér Recovers from Illness” related how the Captain himself had been in the infirmary with influenza.
November 5
UDK, S.A.T.C. Edition – “Only One New Case is Admitted to Hospital.” The article states that the disease “has about run its course.”
November 6
UDK – “University to Resume Its Sessions Monday [November 11].
November 7
UDK, S.A.T.C. Edition - “First Quarter to End December 21 Just as Planned, Says Kelly” explained that the quarter would not be extended, and coursework would be condensed to ensure completion. Dean Kelly said, “The classes will accomplish as much as possible in the six weeks of the quarter remaining. The lessons may be a little longer than usual, and efforts will be made to catch up as much as possible. Full credit will be given in all subjects this quarter, no allowances being made for the five weeks enforced vacation.”
UDK - “Bacteriologists Test Every Man of S.A.T.C. to Find Germ Toters - No ‘Carriers’ Found Among Seven Hundred so far Examined.”
November 8
UDK - “K.U. Library to Open Full Time Next Week - S.A.T.C. Men to Have Special Privileges if Military Authorities Permit.”
November 11
UDK - “With Song and Cheer University Celebrates Signing of Armistice - Company Drill and Mass Singing Precede Talks on End of War - Vice Chancellor Presides - Captain Scher, Mayor Kreeck and Dean Kelly are Among the Speakers.”
UDK – “Credit Won’t be Cut Because of Vacation” explained again how full credit would be given for as much of the quarter’s work could be completed, for all students. Nothing had been decided about shortening Thanksgiving vacation, but classes would not be held on Saturdays.
UDK – “Lucy McLinden Gives Life as Volunteer Nurse in S.A.T.C. Infirmary.” Lucy McLinden was from Cedar Point, Kansas. She was a librarian in the Physiology Library, working her way through her sophomore year of school.
UDK – “Just because she is the Chancellor’s wife, Mrs. Strong does not have the patience of Job. Indeed, she became weary this morning when three-fourths of the students called her up to ask if there would be classes.”
November 12
UDK - “No Deaths or New Cases of Flu.” “Headquarters report forty-one cases in the [university] hospital today, twenty-two in the infirmary of Barracks No. 1, and nineteen in the Sunshine Hospital. There have been no deaths since Sunday. No new cases have been reported.”
November 13
UDK - “Mary Smith, Editor, is Ill. Mary Smith, editor in chief of the Daily Kansan, is ill at her home in Abilene and will be unable to attend school this week. She contracted the influenza while serving as a volunteer nurse in the barracks hospital here.”
November 15
UDK - “University Hospital Has Only One Patient. There are now twenty cases in the S.A.T.C. infirmary.”
UDK – “Joseph C. Liggett, 22 years old, died Thursday of pneumonia. He is the son of Jesse W. Liggett of Almena, and a member of the third vocational section in the telegraphy division [S.A.T.C.].”
November 18
UDK - “War Secretary Baker Studies S.A.T.C. Problem.” This article reported on the issue of what the War Department planned to do with the S.A.T.C. program, and the men enrolled in it, on colleges and universities across the country with the end of the war.
November 19
UDK - “Chancellor is Improving. Chancellor Frank Strong, who has been suffering from laryngitis, is recovering slowly and is still confined to his bed. Doctors have agreed, however, that it is not influenza that is troubling him and think that he will be able to be out in two or three days.”
November 20
UDK - “Influenza Epidemic in Kansas About Over, Says Dr. S.J. Crumbine.” Dr. Crumbine is quoted “Don’t diagnose your own case. Many of the fatal cases were made so by lack of care or by foolish treatment in the beginning. When you feel bad, go to bed and see a doctor. Above all, do not expose others. It is your duty to your friends and to the University to expose no one to your cold. If the proper care and precautions are taken all winter any flare-up of the disease will be avoided. Don’t be the one to start it.”
UDK – “Dr. Strong Recuperates Slowly. Chancellor Strong, who is suffering from an attack of laryngitis, is improving, but has been ordered to remain in bed several days longer.”
November 22
UDK – “Missouri University Cancels Thanksgiving Game Because of the Flu - Tiger Team Unable to Come to Lawrence for Annual Contest.”
November 25
UDK – The front page editorial “The University Should Vote Yes” expressed the views of the majority of the University faculty, staff and students that the S.A.T.C. should be abolished on campus because the war had ended.
UDK – “Future of S.A.T.C. Put up to University by Washington Inquiry - War Department May Discontinue Courses at end of First Quarter - How Many Will Have to Leave College if S.A.T.C. Stops, Asks Committee.”
November 26
UDK - “All K.U. Traditions Smashed: Woman Runs for Senior President.”
UDK – “University Health Good With Few Flu Patients Says Dr. S.J. Crumbine – Flareup of Disease Has Not Taken Place Here as at Other Schools – All Must Still Be Careful – Dr. Clark, City Health Office, Agrees That Situation Is Clear.”
UDK – “K.U. Against S.A.T.C. After First Quarter, Senate and Men Vote – K.U. Governing Body Unanimous Against Military Training System.”
November 27
UDK – “Demobilizing of S.A.T.C. Dec. 3-4 is Ordered by War Department – Hill Soldiers Whoop With Joy When News is Received.”
UDK – “No More Drill Here, Commandant Announces. There will be no more drill for S.A.T.C. men of the University of Kansas, Capt. B.T. Scher, commander, announced this afternoon. All rifles are to be checked in this afternoon to tomorrow and packed for shipment.”
UDK – “Red Cross Appreciates Flu Scrappers’ Work. The Red Cross expressed the appreciation of the nurses aids, of the hospital necessities, the diet kitchen and of other work done by members of the faculty and the students.”
November 28
UDK – “Will Take Two Weeks to Clear Out Student Army – Captain B.T. Scher.”
UDK – “Many men withdraw from courses. Withdrawals from courses by S.A.T.C. men are coming into Dean Kelly’s office this morning so rapidly that no check upon the number has been possible.”
December 2
UDK – “R.O.T.C. Is Possible Successor of S.A.T.C. on University Campus.” “It is my personal opinion,’ said Dean Kelly this morning, ‘that if the University of Kansas does not have an R.O.T.C. here we will be far behind the other universities of the United States, for it is practically certain that nearly every one will have military training after the demobilization of the Student Army Training Corps.”
UDK – “Influenza Situation is not Alarming at K.U. The influenza situation is not likely to become serious in Lawrence again, according to the S.A.T.C., Lawrence and K.U. authorities. The University Hospital reports only two new cases and Miss Haight, the nurse in charge, thinks there are no cases outside unreported. There have been no new cases at the S.A.T.C. infirmary for several days. Dr. Clark, the city health officer, had only three cases reported to him this morning and he does not consider the situation at all alarming.”
December 3
UDK – “Minor Influenza Cases Not At All Alarming Say Health Authorities. Many Cases of Severe Colds Given Unusual Care Because of Epidemic Possibilities.” “There are no cases of influenza in the S.A.T.C. infirmary.”
UDK – “No More Military Courses Next Quarter – Hill to be Normal.”
December 4
UDK - “Real Influenza Scarce Among K.U. Students – Twelve Cases in the S.A.T.C. A flurry of Spanish Influenza among the women of the University and the residents of Lawrence is indicated by reports today from the University Hospital and local physicians, but persistent rumors that the disease is again spreading among the members of the S.A.T.C. were denied by the health authorities of the military organization. The University Hospital is crowded with women suffering either with a light form of influenza or with bad colds, and many are ill at their rooms….Lawrence physicians report a large number of light cases of influenza."
December 5
UDK - “Barracks Prove Value as Temporary Hospital During Flu Epidemic. Dr. M.T. Sudler Says Death List Cut Materially by Prompt Action. Are Worth All They Cost. Government Makes First Payment to Reimburse the University….If the University had not had those barracks during the epidemic the loss of life would have been much greater. When the epidemic developed the barracks were promptly transformed into emergency hospitals and were ideal for that purpose.”
UDK – “Flu Worse in Lawrence But Not Serious on Hill….Twelve cases are reported to be in the University Hospital. One new patient was taken in today. A number of students are ill and under the care of city physicians who have not been reported to the University Hospital. There are twenty men in the S.A.T.C. infirmary, and two new cases were reported there today.
December 6
UDK – “Official Farewell to the S.A.T.C., Washington, D.C., December 2, 1918” announced the formal dismissal of the S.A.T.C. program from all campus.
UDK – “To the University: Because of the increasing number of influenza cases in the University and in the city, on the recommendation and advice of the Health Service of the University I would say that all unnecessary assemblies such as dances, etc., are forbidden after Friday, December 6, and until further notice. Frank Strong, Chancellor.”
December 9
UDK – “Gym Exemptions to 39 Women Who Had Flu….Dr. Alice Goetz of the physical education department has given temporary exemptions from gymnasium work to thirty-nine women who have had the influenza. Some of them were excused for a week or two and some do not have to report until January 1. ‘I do not want them to begin exercising too soon,’ said Dr. Goetz, ‘but they must report to me or their absences will be counted as unexcused and they will be given a failure for the term, which will hold up their credits for the remainder of their work until satisfactory settlement is made.”
UDK – “Capt. Bruno T. Scher to Leave K.U. Soon – Put on Retired List.” Upon receiving his orders, Captain Scher said, “I have been given the best Christmas present that I have ever received. I will now get to spend the holidays at my home, a pleasure I have been denied for the past twenty five years on account of my active service in the United States Army.”
December 12
UDK – “No New Influenza Cases Found Among Students…One man is in the infirmary and six women are patients in the University Hospital, but none of the cases is at all serious and all of them will probably be discharged in a few days.”
UDK – “Call Ban Off December 15 on University Meetings…After conferring with the University health committee, Chancellor Frank Strong has decided to call off the ban on unnecessary meetings Sunday, December 15. ‘The University health authorities are of the opinion,’ said the Chancellor this morning, ‘that the recent wave of the influenza epidemic has practically run its course, and in this event, it is no longer imperative to avoid public gatherings. The ban was a preventative measure.’
December 13
UDK – “Strong Favors R.O.T.C. For K.U., But Does Not Want to Hurry Into It.”
December 16
UDK – “Vice-Chancellor Recovers….Dr. W.L. Burdick, who has been ill for the past ten days with the influenza, was able to return to classes Monday.”
UDK – “No Active Influenza Cases Among K.U. Women….The Student’s Hospital reports that there are no active cases among the women at the present time, and the three cases there now are all convalescent. There are no cases at the infirmary. Dr. A.W. Clarke, city health officer, reports that there were ninety-five cases in the city last week, with only two deaths. The cases are lighter as they come in, and they are coming in less rapidly.”
December 17
UDK – “Influenza Scare Over, Say Medical Authorities….’There is only one case of influenza among the S.A.T.C. men,’ said Lieut. Judson Allen, today, ‘and the epidemic is practically stamped out.’ Miss Mary Haight of the University Hospital reports only three cases of influenza among the students, and says that they are convalescent. ‘There is no epidemic at the University now,’ said Miss Haight, ‘but I urge everyone to be careful during vacation.’”
December 19
UDK – “Precautions Prescribed For Christmas Vacation….To keep the influenza epidemic from breaking out again when students return to the University after the Christmas holidays, Miss Mary Haight of the University Hospital advises students to spend the week of vacation as a week of rest. ‘The past five weeks have been strenuous ones,’ said Miss Haight, ‘and everyone should take Christmas week off for a good time. Eat wholesome, sensible food, but do not overeat. Keep away from crowds as much as possible, especially from poorly ventilated places where crowds gather. Wear clothing that is suitable to the weather.’”