A Testimonie of Antiquitie, Shewing the Auncient Fayth in the Church of England Touching the Sacrament of the Body and Bloude of the Lord Here Publikely Preached, and also Receaued in the Saxons Tyme, aboue 600. Yeares Agoe.
Dublin Core
A Testimonie of Antiquitie, Shewing the Auncient Fayth in the Church of England Touching the Sacrament of the Body and Bloude of the Lord Here Publikely Preached, and also Receaued in the Saxons Tyme, aboue 600. Yeares Agoe.
Lord’s Supper --Sermons
Sermons, English (Old)
Sermons, English (Old)
with manuscript annotations
Ælfric, Abbot of Eynsham.
Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath S. Martyns
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
printed book
Ælfric, Abbot of Eynsham., “A Testimonie of Antiquitie, Shewing the Auncient Fayth in the Church of England Touching the Sacrament of the Body and Bloude of the Lord Here Publikely Preached, and also Receaued in the Saxons Tyme, aboue 600. Yeares Agoe.,” KU Libraries Exhibits, accessed March 4, 2025, https://exhibits.lib.ku.edu/items/show/7228.